A qualificação da mão de obra para o aumento da produtividade em obras de construção civil: responsabilidades compartilhadas
2014-04-30Registro en:
NEVES, Suzana Andreassa. A qualificação da mão de obra para o aumento da produtividade em obras de construção civil: responsabilidades compartilhadas. 2014. 124 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Civil) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2014.
Neves, Suzana Andreassa
Linked to the quality and productivity issues are requirements of today's world with the construction. Construction processes need to demonstrate their efficiency significantly, dynamic and competence. In a survey conducted by CNI - National Confederation of Industry and the CBIC - Brazilian Chamber of Construction Industry, it was pointed out that the construction companies have difficulties in finding professionals with basic qualifications, such as masons and servants, for example. The low professional qualification in companies working accelerated favoring low productivity. The objective of this study is to analyze the perception of different actors of civil construction in the city of Curitiba - PR with the qualification, aimed at improving the quality and increasing productivity for the development of the building sector. Through literature review and analysis of information from each studied actor, represent the prospects and future vision for the construction industry in the design of each member, their partnerships, interactions and search for job training. The survey results suggest reflection on a new culture of community involvement to tailor the qualification to improve the quality and productivity in the construction sector.