Planejamento da expansão de sistemas de distribuição utilizando busca tabu
2018-11-26Registro en:
LUZ, Matheus Augusto Paiva. Distribution system planning using tabu search. 2018. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Elétrica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Cornélio Procópio, 2018.
Luz, Matheus Augusto Paiva
This assgnment shows a study about system planning distribution of electric energy, it deals results obtained with the search of the best network configuration. To achieve such result, the study was based on metaheuristic Tabu Search, applied on Matlab software. The operation criteria of the new network configuration were verified through the calculation of the power flow, using the technique Backward and Forward Sweep. Their results will be compared to others present in the literature, in order to verify their effectiveness.