As mudanças tecnológicas da indústria de quarta geração no setor de logística
2021-05-13Registration in:
SILVA JUNIOR, Laerte Dias da. As mudanças tecnológicas da indústria de quarta geração no setor de logística. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2021.
Silva Junior, Laerte Dias da
The world is experiencing the transition from the third generation to the fourth generation industry, where this industry is characterized by incredible advances in information technology across the entire supply chain. In this way, companies are transforming and incorporating these technologies from industry 4.0 in their products and services, seeking to achieve the objective of competitive advantage through cost reduction and added value, the strategy is to introduce information technology to assist the logistical management to achieve the logistical objective. In this sense, the objective of this research will be to analyze which are the technologies are being used by companies to improve their efficiency in logistics operations, reducing their cost and providing better quality of service to the customer.