Impacto da poda de árvores urbanas e sua relação com as redes de fiação elétrica aérea
2021-04-27Registro en:
SANTOS, Guilherme Landim. Impacto da poda de árvores urbanas e sua relação com as redes de fiação elétrica aérea. 2021. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Florestal) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Dois Vizinhos, 2021.
Santos, Guilherme Landim
The objective was check the emergencial tree pruning impacts and the relation with the development in system eletrical wiring. The inventory was made by sampling streets at the city center of Dois Vizinhos, Paraná, Brazil. The data lifted up between july and december of 2019. The monitoring happened with pruning from energetic company and Dois Vizinhos townhall. The morphometric datas was: Diameter at breast Height (DBH) in cm, Total height in meters, Canopy Area in m², Opening Pruning Cone in m² and Numbers of Epicormical Branches by individual. The transformation of non linear data to mean datas to the morphometrical enviroment for management of urban forestries was analysed by linear regression. The individuals presented some reduction of epicormical branches at the streets with system eletrical wiring side because the enviroment conflicted with the eletrical systems, by the way the epicormical branches wasn't eradicated to preserve the mecanichal properties. The high quantities of epicormical branches in your composition, the total high was reduced, the action was required to adjust the infraestructure conditions. The canopy area showed lateral reductions in 46,31% of your total area, by the gravity adjustment to prevent some branches accident. The intervetion happened to soften the opening pruning cone, that has a rupture conditions and reduce the opening risk by inbalance and inhibit accidents at the urban perimeter. The opening pruning cone reduced after the technical standards method by the town hall pruning, this parameter is very important to the aesthetics recovery of the trees. The DBH don't showed any increment during the pruning months to streets with power networks, even the pruning used the technical standards. The pruning brings to tree some damages. The planning of species suitable to street is essencial to ensure the accebility of a enviromental city foreseen by cities statute. The linear regression allowed meet the enviroment of morphometrical variables behavior, to the management urban plan in long term. The DBH was the variable assistant to meet the behavior of those variables, because the DBH made the transport of photoassimilates to the canopy area development. The prunning methods even with the technicals standart can help us in quality life, but the conflict of urban trees and infraestructure in electricals systems is a real problem at the streets.