Medição do nível de potência sonora em ambientes reverberantes
2013-04-25Registro en:
BETTINI, Wellington. Medição do nível de potência sonora em ambientes reverberantes. 2013. 113 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2013.
Bettini, Wellington
The measure of level of sound power is done using the standards ISO 3740 till ISO 3747. These standards show correction factors K 1A e K2A that compansate the sound absorption and the background noise of the room. In this work, it was measured the level of sound power in reverberant rooms applying the standards corrections. It uses two conditions of sound background noise (low and high) and two conditions different absorption conditions by changing the room (one big and one small). These variations were done in order to obtain different correction factors. It uses two different machines, a vacuum cleaner and a drill. The methodology used in this is according to the ISO 3746: 2010. The results are 92,05 dBA for the vacuum cleaner and 93,76 dBA for the drill. The Brazilian official organization for the vacuum cleaner is 95 dBA. Therefore, it concludes that according to what the standard shows, the results are pretty good.