Estudo sobre a API Geotools para aplicações baseadas na plataforma Java SE
2011-06-16Registro en:
CARNIELETTO, Juliano Cezar. Estudo sobre a API Geotools para aplicações baseadas na plataforma Java SE. 2011. [52 f.] Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Medianeira, 2011.
Carnieletto, Juliano Cezar
This work aims to conduct a study on the API (Application Programming Interface) Geotools and PostgreSQL database, along with its spatial extension PostGIS. This study includes the presentation of the API, as well as a demonstration of its features, regarding the creation of interfaces to display geographically referenced data. The objective is also a brief literature review on the System Manager Database (DBMS) PostgreSQL PostGIS and its extension, demonstrating the means of connecting to the API Geotools.