Tecnologia e educação: o uso de dispositivos móveis em sala de aula
2016-09-09Registro en:
SANTOS, Tatiane Siqueira dos. Tecnologia e educação: o uso de dispositivos móveis em sala de aula. 2016. 69 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Especialização) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Londrina, 2016.
Santos, Tatiane Siqueira dos
The introduction of Information and Communication Technologies in education is inevitable, since these tools are part of the daily lives of teachers, administrators and students. Use them in the classroom can make possible new pedagogical practices and motivate learning. Thinking about it, the Department of Education of the Paraná State initiated a pilot project with the title ‘Connected’, that providing for the educational use of tablets with students. Therefore, the trend is to expand access to the entire school system and contribute to the training of citizens from these digital media. Thus, we take this focus for reflection on mobile devices inserted in the classroom, such as mobile phones, tablets, netbooks, and other devices, in order to maximize and streamline the teaching/learning process. The survey was conducted with teachers from two state schools and the NRE in the city of Cornélio Procópio-PR, inserted in that project, and graduating students of Specialization in Education and Technology UTFPR-Londrina the class II, of the 2015 year. The research, with qualitative nature, aimed to investigate and discuss what they think about the usability of mobile devices as a support tool and flexibility in teaching and learning process. Data were collected through an online questionnaire. The results show that, according to participants, there are flaws in the planning of government actions with respect to: infrastructure of schools; pedagogical and technical support and devices with limited functionality. However, it is noted that mobile devices, in particular tablets, are well accepted by the educators and they believe that digital technologies may be used as capable of processing tools for the learning, if overcome and/or circumvented such unstable conditions.