| bachelorThesis
Contribuições ao manejo avícola usando técnicas de controle supervisório e monitoramento remoto
2015-12-03Registro en:
LORENCENA, Mainara Cristina. Contribuições ao manejo avícola usando técnicas de controle supervisório e monitoramento remoto. 2015. 51 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Pato Branco, 2015.
Lorencena, Mainara Cristina
Aviculture is an activity that has strengthened a lot for the last few years, becoming an important practice for the national economy, which makes increasing the quality requirements in the production of chicken meat. The quality of meat depends directly on animal welfare, which is achieved through the proper handling of the birds in terms of hygiene, health, food, water and weather conditions. The aviary climatic condition is one of the main factors that influence the birds development. The temperature and humidity are the most important variables to be controlled inside of aviary. It’s desirable to conserve the values as close as possible to the ideals, besides to keep homogenization along the environment. This work presents the modeling, implementation and monitoring phases for obtaining a automatic control system for temperature and humidity in poultry farming. The modeling approach and control synthesis is inspired on the Supervisory Control Theory using finite-state automata. The implementation step translates the automaton controller to the operational environment whose resulting code is transfered to a MSP430G2553 microcontroller, from Texas Instruments. Finally, the monitoring stage implements a remote web system that communicates, via RTU protocol, the commands from the microcontroller with a SCADA framework, the ScadaBR, a graphical interface commonly used in industrial environments to observe and maybe interfere on process. The interface can be accessed through the Internet and show the climatic condition in real time for users, also allowing them to remotely interfere on the system components.