Técnicas e ferramentas CAD 3D para o tratamento de superfícies complexas digitalizadas visando a fabricação de órteses por manufatura aditiva
2016-11-06Registro en:
COELHO, Lucas Silva. Técnicas e ferramentas CAD 3D para o tratamento de superfícies complexas digitalizadas visando a fabricação de órteses por manufatura aditiva. 2016. 87 f. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação em Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, 2016.
Coelho, Lucas Silva
This paper presents a proposal of a procedure for manual correction of meshes obtained from 3D digitalization of representative molds of superior members. Currently, the process of acquisition of an orthesis from SUS (Health Unic System) can come up to 6 months due to many bureaucratic and technological factors. The most part of the population who need assistive products live in situations of social deprivation associated with low income, fact that makes it difficult to have access to orthesis through specialized clinics. In this context, it can be observed the need for an orthesis manufacturing procedure which allows a reduction in time and costs as well as a better representation of the patient real geometry. Within this line of research developed by NUFER (Core of Prototyping and Tooling of UTFPR), it can be observed a lack of literature about mesh manual correction aiming the production through Additive Manufacturing technologies. Therefore it has been developed a study on mesh correction through two softwares: Meshmixer and 3Ds Max. The meshes were obtained by 3D scanning of plaster molds using two techniques: the first one using the kinect sensor and second on using the software Remake, which uses pictures of the object to generate the 3D model. Then they were compared, validated and corrected, so that the final results are suitable for Additive Manufacturing processes. With the study developed, it could be concluded that only Meshmixer was effective in correcting meshes with the proposed correction procedure.