Elaboração de um plano de lubrificação dos ventiladores de uma caldeira aquatubular de classe A
2019-11-13Registro en:
NESTOR, Diego Rodrigo. Elaboração de um plano de lubrificação dos ventiladores de uma caldeira aquatubular de classe A. 2019. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Mecânica) - Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Ponta Grossa, 2019.
Nestor, Diego Rodrigo
The objective of this work is the elaboration of a boiler fans lubrication plan for the fans of a class A aquatubular boiler. All equipment and their respective components and lubrication points were listed, connecting all equipment data such as operating speed and temperature, bearing box and bearing types and sizes, and locations where they are installed. With this data, the parameters of the plan were defined and dimensioned, such as: type of lubricant, quantity, frequency of lubrication, method, tools and equipment operating conditions. These parameters generated a list of activities called lubrication activities, which should be performed according to a schedule of fifty-two weeks. To ensure the standardization of the work, a lubrication instruction sheet has been created with all the necessary data to comply with the lubrication plan. Thus, it is concluded that a lubrication plan can ensure greater reliability and availability of equipment and lower maintenance costs.