Performance analysis of a commercial fixed bed downdraft gasifier using palm kernel shells
Verdeza-Villalobos, Arnaldo
Lenis-Rodas, Yuhan-Arley
Bula-Silvera, Antonio-José
Mendoza-Fandiño, Jorge-Mario
Gómez-Vásquez, Rafael-David
This work analyzes the use of palm kernel shells (PKS) produced
by the Colombian palm oil mill industry, for purposes of fueling a
commercial downdraft fixed bed gasifier (Ankur Scientific WGB-
20) designed to operate with wood chips. Operational parameters
such as hopper shaking time, ash removal time, and airflow were
varied in order to get the highest gasifier performance, computed
as the ratio between producer gas chemical energy over biomass
feeding energy. Experiments were carried out following a half
fraction experimental design 24-1. Since these parameters affect
the equivalence ratio (ER), behavior indicators were analyzed as
a function of ER. It was found that the shaking time and airflow
had a significant effect on higher-heating-value (HHV) and process
efficiency, while the removal time is not significant. Highest
performance for palm shell was reached at ER=0.35, where the
resulting gas HHV and process efficiency were 5.04 MJ/Nm3 and
58%, respectively.