La postergación de tareas en alumnos universitarios de la Unlar
Recchioni, Liliana
González, Ana
González, Mario
La procrastinación es una característica de los sujetos abordada desde diferentes disciplinas. Es definida como la acción o hábito de postergar actividades, sustituyéndolas por situaciones irrelevantes, pero más agradables. Constituye un problema de autorregulación y organización que afecta a muchos estudiantes argentinos en especial a los universitarios. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la presencia de la procrastinación académica y general en alumnos de la UNLaR. Es de tipo descriptivo transversal. La muestra es no probabilística de 373 alumnos universitarios que cursan materias de 3er. año o más, con edad de 23 ±3,94 años, 81% de sexo femenino y 19% de masculino. Se utilizó un instrumento autoadministrado para medir una Escala de Procrastinación Académica (EPA) con 16 ítems y una escala de Procrastinación General (EPG) con 13 ítems evaluadas con escala Lickert. Se estudió la consistencia interna con coeficiente de Cronbach (α) y se construyeron ambas escalas con 10 ítems para alcanzar un coeficiente de 0.75 en EPA y 0.82 en EPG. Se calculó con ambas la Escala de Procrastinación Total (EPT α=0.86). Se utilizó análisis de clúster para agrupar a alumnos usando distancia de Gower, resultando 3 grupos de baja, mediana y alta procrastinación. Con respecto a los niveles de procrastinación, se concluye que un 13% de alumnos poseen alto, un 25% bajo y el resto mediano nivel de procrastinación. No se advierten diferencias significativas entre grupos, según las variables de edad (p=0.1125), sexo (p=0.4764), trabaja (p=0.1869) y curso (p=0.3068) aunque si en la carrera que cursa (p<0.0001). PROCRASTINATION IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF UNLARABSTRACTProcrastination is a characteristic of the subjects which is addressed in different disciplines. Is an action or a habit of postponing activities that must be taken care immediately by replacing it with other irrelevant. This presents a problem of self-regulation and organization that affects many argentine students specially the ones attending university. The purpose of this work is to describe procrastination at an academic and general level showed in the university students of UNLaR. This research study is a descriptive and cross-sectional type. For this study it was used a non-probability sampling of 373 university students: students that attend classes from 3rd year and upper years, students aged 23 ±3,94 years old, 81% of whom are female and 19% of whom are male. A self-administrated questioner was used in order to measure the results with a scale of procrastination at an academic level called Escala de Procrastinación Académica (EPA) which consists of 16 items and another scale which measures procrastination in general level called Escala de Procrastinación General (EGP) which consists of 13 items. Both scales were and the results will be measure with the Lickert Scale. Internal consistence has been study through the Cronbach’s Alfa (α) to the construction of both scales with 10 items each and thus reach a coefficient of 0.75 in the EPA scale and 0.82 in the EPG scale. Finally, from both scales, a third scale was fixed which is called Escala de Procrastinación Total (EPT α=0.86). A cluster analysis was performed in order to group students using Gower distance which gives as a result 3 groups of low, medium and high procrastination.Was concluded that a 13% of the students belonged to the high procrastination group, a 25% to the low procrastination group and the rest belonged to the medium procrastination group. there Is no meaningful differences among the variables between groups of age (p=0.1125), gender (p=0.4764), labour status (p=0.1869), year (p=0.3068) but there is a difference in the degree course they take (p=0.0001). Keywords: Scales, Multivariate, Procrastination, Self.