Objetos de aprendizaje
International Business in the SouthernCone
Furlong, Martín
Course Description
Our goal is to raise critical questions about the opportunities and challenges that
companies and entrepreneurs encounter when doing business with countries from
the Southern Cone such as Argentina, Brazil, Chile,Paraguay and Uruguay. We
begin by introducing the general context in which international business takes place
in the region. Once we have looked at the big picture, we focus on the controllable
and uncontrollable forces in the Southern Cone business environment. Our approach
is based on a guided, well-informed discussion thatwill help students build
understanding on the advantages and disadvantages of doing business in the
region. Throughout the course students are expectedto develop basic
interdisciplinary skills for business decision-making. By the end of the course,
students gain valuable insight on the opportunitiesthat Argentina, Brazil, Chile,
Paraguay and Uruguay offer and are ready to conductresearch and access first
hand information about Southern markets.