La certificación de español como lengua extranjera en los Congresos Internacionales de la Lengua Española: posiciones convergentes y divergentes en el escenario glotopolítico iberoamericano (agosto, 2014)
Rizzo, María Florencia
El propósito de este trabajo es indagar, desde el enfoque teórico de la Glotopolítica, algunas posiciones y tensiones inscriptas en el campo de la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera, en particular, de la certificación de competencia lingüística, que tienen lugar en los Congresos Internacionales de la Lengua Española (CILE), en tanto espacios privilegiados para examinar las intervenciones en el estatus simbólico del español. En los dos CILE donde se organizan paneles sobre el tema –en Rosario (2004) y Cartagena de Indias (2007)–, el Instituto Cervantes es colocado como autoridad internacional y representante “natural” del mundo hispánico. Asimismo, estos encuentros participan de un mecanismo discursivo de “apertura” y de “cierre” del debate, respectivamente, que busca clausurar la emergencia de posturas alternativas. Abstract The purpose of this work is to investigate, considering Glottopolitics´ theoretical approach, some positions and tensions that are associated with the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language, specifically, with language proficiency certification, that take place at the International Congresses of Spanish Language (CILE), which serve as privileged spaces to examine the interventions in the symbolic status of Spanish. At the two CILE’s where panel discussions about the topic are organized –in Rosario (2004) and Cartagena de Indias (2007)-, the Cervantes Institute is placed as international authority and "natural" representative of the Hispanic world. In addition, these events make use of a discursive mechanism that “open” and “close” the debate, which attempts to eliminate the emergence of alternative positions. The purpose of this work is to investigate, considering Glottopolitics´ theoretical approach, some positions and tensions that are associated with the field of teaching Spanish as a foreign language, specifically, with language proficiency certification, that take place at the International Congresses of Spanish Language (CILE), which serve as privileged spaces to examine the interventions in the symbolic status of Spanish. At the two CILE’s where panel discussions about the topic are organized –in Rosario (2004) and Cartagena de Indias (2007)-, the Cervantes Institute is placed as international authority and "natural" representative of the Hispanic world. In addition, these events make use of a discursive mechanism that “open” and “close” the debate, which attempts to eliminate the emergence of alternative positions.