¿Sordos al acento? La percepción de acento contrastivo de estudiantes angloparlantes de español (julio, 2014)
Stress deaf? The perception of contrastive stress by English learners of Spanish
Romanelli, Sofía
Menegotto, Andrea
El presente estudio compara cómo perciben el acento contrastivo del español los estudiantes extranjeros y los hablantes nativos. Específicamente, se comparó la percepción acentual de hispanohablantes y de angloparlantes en palabras agudas y graves terminadas en las vocales /a, e, o/. Participaron en esta investigación 14 hablantes nativos de español y 32 hablantes nativos de inglés, alumnos de un programa de español para extranjeros de Mar del Plata, Argentina. La percepción se midió a través de una tarea de identificación de acento con palabras inventadas. Los resultados mostraron que los hablantes nativos de inglés mostraron un efecto de "sordera acentual", es decir, no percibieron el acento del español de manera similar a los hablantes nativos de español, y evidenciaron dificultades para identificar los contrastes de acento en español. Abstract The present study examines the perception of Spanish stress (final and penultimate) on words ending in vowels /a, e, o/ by native Spanish speakers and American English learners of Spanish. Fourteen native Spanish speakers and 32 English learners of Spanish participated in this study. The English speakers were students of a Spanish program in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Participants’ perception was assessed by an identification task with nonce words. The results showed that native English speakers did not perceive Spanish stress like native Spanish speakers did, and that they evidenced difficulties in the identification of L2 stress contrasts. The present study examines the perception of Spanish stress (final and penultimate) on words ending in vowels /a, e, o/ by native Spanish speakers and American English learners of Spanish. Fourteen native Spanish speakers and 32 English learners of Spanish participated in this study. The English speakers were students of a Spanish program in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Participants’ perception was assessed by an identification task with nonce words. The results showed that native English speakers did not perceive Spanish stress like native Spanish speakers did, and that they evidenced difficulties in the identification of L2 stress contrasts.