Buen vivir as a counterhegemonic discourse. post-development, indigenism and the nature from the andean point of view [El buen vivir como discurso contrahegemónico. Postdesarrollo, indigenismo y naturaleza desde la visión andina].

dc.contributorPiñeiro, Eleder
dc.description.abstractIn this article we delve into the notion "Good Living", understanding it as a concept with immense counterhegemonic power. We investigate its compelling criticism of Eurocentric modernity, specifically the ideas of "progress" and "development" deriving from the Global North. We also analyze how some elements of the indigenous Andean worldview have contributed significantly to the construction of discourses and praxis that have tried to bypass of the developmentalist and extractivist paradigm. We therefore consider that "Good Living, " whose presence can be traced even in non-Andean indigenous geographies, has constituted an epistemic and ethical-political counterpoint to developmentalism, productivism and neoliberalism.
dc.titleBuen vivir as a counterhegemonic discourse. post-development, indigenism and the nature from the andean point of view [El buen vivir como discurso contrahegemónico. Postdesarrollo, indigenismo y naturaleza desde la visión andina]
dc.titleBuen vivir as a counterhegemonic discourse. post-development, indigenism and the nature from the andean point of view [El buen vivir como discurso contrahegemónico. Postdesarrollo, indigenismo y naturaleza desde la visión andina].
dc.typeArtículo Scopus

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