A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada (1829) de Washington lrving, traducida por W. Montgomery
A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada (1829) de Washington lrving, traducida por W. Montgomery
García Calderón, Ángeles
Martínez Ojeda, Beatriz
In this paper we are concerned with Washintong Irving‘s A Chronical of the Conquest of Granada and its translation by his fellow citizen, the Latin-American Hispanist Washington Montgomery. After a brief analysis of the Moorish tales, actual forerunners of the celebrated American writer, as well as an influence of other such stories outside Spain, we approach Montgomery‘s version which was a homage paid to his American friend Irving. Trabajo que se ocupa de la obra de Washington Irving A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada y de la traducción llevada a cabo por su compatriota el hispano-americano e hispanófilo Ceorge Washington Montgomery. Tras un breve análisis del relato morisco, antecedente de la obra del escritor norteamericano, así como de la influencia de este tipo de relatos fuera de España, se analiza la traducción de Montgomery con la que rinde homenaje a su compatriota y amigo Irving.