Effect of Four Levels of Fertilization on Beef Production and Carrying Capacity of Pangola Grass Pastures in the Humid Mountain Region of Puerto Rico
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Pangola grass pastures on sloping lands in the humid mountain region of Puerto Rico responded in terms of beef production and carrying capacity, as well as economically, to applications of up to 2,400 pounds of 14-4-10 fertilizer per acre yearly, but there was no further significant increase due to heavier fertilization over 2 years of experimentation. At the 2,400-pound rate of fertilization, Pangola grass pastures carried the equivalent of two 600-pound steers per acre and produced an average of 871 pounds of gain in weight per acre yearly with average daily gains per head of 1.2 pounds. Pastos de yerba Pangola en la región húmeda montañosa de Puerto Rico respondieron favorablemente en términos de ganancia en peso, capacidad de pastoreo y económicamente a niveles de abonamiento de hasta 2,400 libras de la fórmula 14-4-10 por acre anualmente. Con la aplicación de 2,400 libras de abono por acre al año los pastos de Pangola alcanzaron una capacidad de pastoreo equivalente a dos novillos de 600 libras cada uno por acre, y produjeron un aumento de 871 libras en peso por acre al año durante 2 años consecutivos de pastoreo. Este aumento equivalió a 1.2 libras por cabeza al día.