Alfredo Cayetano Vitulo, a historicist will in the density of the local. Marks of a memorial and historiographic intervention (1932-1964)
Alfredo Cayetano Vitulo, a historicist will in the density of the local. Marks of a memorial and historiographic intervention (1932-1964);
Alfredo Cayetano Vitulo, una voluntad historicista en la densidad de lo local. Marcas de una intervención memorial e historiográfica (1932-1964)
Registro en:
Escudero, Eduardo Antonio; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto
The writing of history from locations far from the preeminent and specifically open to historiography refers to an issue, which has recently interested different historians. Intellectuals from regional and local spaces found a way of intervening in the memory of their respective communities solving past representations of demanding nature belonging to characters and episodes which many times put under tension already-stabilised recounts by means of “national history”. This paper deals with the figure of the historian Alfredo Cayetano Vitulo (1879-1964). Some perspectives of his memorial and historiographic work, and his networks of personal and academic relationships in pursuit of the building of the local and regional identity of Río Cuarto and the South of Córdoba are documented. In particular, what is rebuilt is both the negotiations and the historiographic discourse which are intertwined in the frustrated project of raising a monument to Rafael de Sobremonte, founder of his city and antihero in the “porteño” liberal historiography. The writing of history from locations far from the preeminent and specifically open to historiography refers to an issue, which has recently interested different historians. Intellectuals from regional and local spaces found a way of intervening in the memory of their respective communities solving past representations of demanding nature belonging to characters and episodes which many times put under tension already-stabilised recounts by means of “national history”. This paper deals with the figure of the historian Alfredo Cayetano Vitulo (1879-1964). Some perspectives of his memorial and historiographic work, and his networks of personal and academic relationships in pursuit of the building of the local and regional identity of Río Cuarto and the South of Córdoba are documented. In particular, what is rebuilt is both the negotiations and the historiographic discourse which are intertwined in the frustrated project of raising a monument to Rafael de Sobremonte, founder of his city and antihero in the “porteño” liberal historiography. La escritura de la historia desplegada en espacios sino desvinculados, al menos distantes de los preeminentes y específicamente abiertos para la historiografía, remite a una problemática que ha interesado últimamente a distintos historiadores. Los intelectuales de esfera regional y local encontraron la manera de intervenir sobre la memoria de sus respectivas comunidades resolviendo representaciones del pasado reivindicativas de los personajes y episodios que muchas veces tensionaban los relatos ya estabilizados por medio de la “historia nacional”. En este trabajo se aborda la figura del historiador Alfredo Cayetano Vitulo (1879-1964) documentando algunos ángulos de su trabajo memorial e historiográfico y sus redes de relaciones personales y académicas en pos de la construcción de la identidad regional y local de Río Cuarto y del sur de Córdoba. Particularmente, se reconstruyen las gestiones y el discurso historiográfico que se anudan en el frustrado proyecto de alzamiento de un monumento a Rafael de Sobremonte, fundador de su ciudad y antihéroe de la historiografía liberal porteña.
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