The creditor's right of option in Italy
The creditor's right of option in Italy;
El derecho de opción del acreedor en Italia
Restrepo, José Maximiliano Rivera
This research aims to analyze the creditor’s right of option, in light of the doctrine and the established understanding of Italian courts. This right, which is equivalent to so-called tacit condition subsequent, is under review in Europe. It is interesting to review the work of the Italians lawyers, not only because they have addressed it in the light of the principles of private law, rejecting the exegete vision of law, but also because they adopted an eclectic approach. This research aims to analyze the creditor’s right of option, in light of the doctrine and the established understanding of Italian courts. This right, which is equivalent to so-called tacit condition subsequent, is under review in Europe. It is interesting to review the work of the Italians lawyers, not only because they have addressed it in the light of the principles of private law, rejecting the exegete vision of law, but also because they adopted an eclectic approach. Esta investigación tiene por finalidad analizar el derecho de opción del acreedor, a la luz de la doctrina y jurisprudencia italianas. Este derecho, que equivale a mal llamada condición resolutoria tácita, está siendo objeto de revisión en Europa. Es interesante revisar el trabajo de los juristas itálicos, no solo porque éstos lo han abordado en vista de los principios del Derecho Civil, abandonando la visión exégeta del Derecho, sino que, además, con un criterio ecléctico.