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Governance arrangements for socio-environmental sustainability in the implementation of large infrastructure projects in the Brazilian Amazon
Pereira, Ana Karine
Gomide, Alexandre de Ávila
Machado, Rafael
Ibiapino, Marcela
The motivation of this paper is to explore governance arrangements’ conditions to attend socio-environmental demands from local communities in the context of megaprojects. Specifically, we investigate how the causal conditions “social participation effectiveness”, “political entrepreneurs”, “governmental coordination”, “public budget”, “political priority”, and “administrative capacity” are mobilized in sustainable territorial development plans governance arrangements to attend socio-environmental demands in the context of infrastructure megaprojects in the Brazilian Amazon. We applied Mill’s method of difference to compare the role of these conditions in processing five socio-environmental demands claimed in the context of the implementation of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant and the paving of the BR-163 road. The results indicate that the relevance of these conditions depends on context, and only the condition “social participation effectiveness” was shared by all the successful cases.