Understanding the Impact of Extrinsic and Intrinsic SCM Career Choice Factors on Career Satisfaction
Goffnett, Sean
Divine, Richard
Williams, Zachary
Cook, Robert
Attracting and retaining supply chain management (SCM) talent is a major concern inindustry. This exploratory study utilized survey research methods to obtain perceptions of intrinsicand extrinsic career choice factors and career satisfaction held by individuals working and educatedin SCM. Means tests and hierarchical regression were used to identify career choice factors and toexamine the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic criteria on career satisfaction. Leadership opportunitiesemerged as most important to predicting career satisfaction. Other important predictors were also ofan intrinsic nature, which is consistent with classic needs theory. This paper expands the applicationof needs theory and career theory in SCM. Individuals who place more value on careers that provideleadership opportunities, responsibility, and earnings potential are more likely to be satisfied with theircareers. Managers seeking to design career paths that satisfy talent should develop a plan that alignswith what individual's value.DOI: 10.12660/joscmv6n1p122-138URL: