Organizational learning versus planned organizational change strategy: A critical comparison
El aprendizaje organizacional versus estrategia planeada cambio organizacional: Una comparación crítica;
Aprendizagem organizacional versus estratégia de mudança organizacional planejada: um confronto crítico
Caravantes, Geraldo Ronchetti
Pereira, Maria José Lara de Bretas
In this article, the authors' intention is to analyze the concept and the various approaches of the learning process in general, and of the organizational learning process, comparing educational strategies for planned organizational changes, such as they are being implemented in Brazilian organizations, appraising their results in terms of effective knowledge. They examine how organizations and individuals acquire the capacity to adopt new patterns of behavior, and emphasize the necessity to keep a constant and renovating learning process, to guarantee the organizations vitality. One of the basic assumptions of the work is that present learning methods have not undergone an evolution capable of leading individuals to adopt adequate solutions to the kind and complexity of the problems we are facing now. Although befalling the emphasis of the article on the learning process in the organizations, the study also considers the social and individual levels. A intenção deste trabalho é explorar o conceito e as várias abordagens ao processo de aprendizagem em geral e à aprendizagem organizacional, em particular. Pretendemos, além disso, comparar os processos de mudança organizacional planejada, ou desenvolvimento organizacional da maneira como vêm sendo implementados nas organizações brasileiras e os seus resultados em termos de uma aprendizagem efetiva, já que estes processos são formalmente definidos como estratégias educacionais.