Juliano Moreira Colony: the rescue of a commitment to human dignity
Juliano Moreira Colonia: el rescate de un compromiso con la dignidad humana;
Colônia Juliano Moreira: o resgate de um compromisso com a dignidade humana
Martelli, Celina Maria Turchi
Duarte, César Victor
Lima, Luis Carlos Wanderley
Sardinha, Marisa de Freitas Melro
This article primarily aims at divulging the work now being developed in one of the medical care units of the National Division of Mental Health/Ministry of Hea1th (Divisão Nacional de Saúde Mental - Dinsam/MS), more especifically in the Colônia Juliano Moreira (CJM). Based on a tentative organizational analysis founded upon the concept of organizational model proposed by Jay Galbraith, the authors effect an evaluation of CJM's past and present administrative structure, thus trying to find a format adaptable to the institution in its new reality. Since it would be extremely complex to approach the subject of CJM as a whole, the writers preferred to analyse in depth the functioning of one of its units, the Hospital Jurandyr Manfredini (HJM), selected because it is the newest among CJM subunits and the symbol of the Colônia's reopening toward the exterior; HJM is the gateway into the CJM. The HJM represents the beginning of a revolution, as concerns traditional psychiatric assistance in Rio de Janeiro, as it advocates replacing the essentially individualistic approach of psychiatric care by a community approach, in which both clients and their social groups are involved in the pursuit of solving situations of crisis. The authors finally emphazise the importance of improving and maintaining the process of democratization of CJM, target closely related to redeeming a commitment with human dignity, that is, with providing better living and working conditions for CJM patients and employees alike. São reconhecidamente escassos os conhecimentos produzidos na área de administração pública de saúde, motivo pelo qual acreditamos ser relevante a divulgação de uma experiência nesse setor. Ousamos, inclusive, creditar-lhe uma importância, talvez pretensiosa, como exemplo típico de uma realidade comum ao restante das instituições do mesmo gênero no país.