The incrementalism as alternative proposal for management development
El incrementalismo como propuesta alternativa para el desarrollo de la gestión;
O incrementalismo como proposta alternativa de desenvolvimento gerencial
Batista, Margarida Maria Costa
This article presents an alternative proposal of executive and manager development that should occur in consonance with the context where executive and managers work. It is suggested a substantial review in the role of the professionals and sectors of Human Resource Development in planning and implementing Executive and Manager Development Programs. Actual1y these programs are calling for a modification in content and methodology in terms of being closer to organization reality. In order to be more effective these programs should inspire themselves in Lindblom's incrementalism, that is, follow the rhythm of events, back and forth, but going toward a better performance. The author suggests that some essential features should be emphasized in those training programs: the chain of executives and managers relationships in the organization (with the immediate superior, with the middle levels, staff and technical people), the projects and other organizational activities, the progressive competencies in management, the job rotation. O convívio com a área de recursos humanos, há cerca de duas décadas, na condição de consultora, professora e pesquisadora me encorajou a apresentar este trabalho.