Governmental incentives for the health private sector in Brazil
Los incentivos del gobierno al sector privado de salud en Brasil;
Incentivos governamentais ao setor privado de saúde no Brasil
Médici, André Cezar
This study intends to describe the origins of private medical care in Brazil, mainly as concerns its interrelationship with the public sector. Thus, the work seeks the knowledge of some characteristics of the private network under contract with the Inamps (Instituto Nacional de Assistência Médica e Previdência Social - National Institute for MedicaI Care and Social Security), during the '70s and the '80s, as well as a means of appraisal for the generation of ”autonomous" types of rendering medical care in Brazil, such as the Group Medicine of Medical Cooperatives, the "Self-Programs" of the enterprises and the entities of Health Insurance. Finally, there is a description of governmental incentives that, directly or indirectly, are available to the private sector rendering health services in Brazil. Descrição das origens da assistência médica no Brasil. Apresentação das características da rede privada contratada pelo Inamps. Avaliação do processo de gênese das formas "autônomas" de prestação de serviços de saúde no Brasil. Descrição dos incentivos governamentais existentes para o setor privado prestador de serviços de saúde no Brasil.