Flexible administration: an introduction to the managerial philosophies
La administración flexibles: una introducción a las nuevas filosofías de gestión;
A administração flexível: uma introdução às novas filosofias de gestão
Medici, André Cezar
Silva, Pedro Luiz Barros
The article intends to present a contribution to the historical and conceptual discussion on managerial paradigms in the XX century and their applicability to forms of management of the public sector. In the first part, a brief historicaI report on managerial philosophies in the XX century is presented, with emphasis on Taylorism, Fordism and the flexible administration. The second part discusses theoreticaI concatenation of the flexible administration. In the third part are mentioned some principles governing this most recent managerial philosophy, being finally introduced a few links, for properapplicability of said philosophy to the public sector. Filosofias de gestão no século XX. Administração flexível: contextualidade, princípios organizacionais, aplicabilidade na administração pública.