The discourse of allenation in the organizations
El discurso de la alienación en las organizaciones;
O discurso da alienação nas organizações
Freddo, Antonio Carlos
In this article, we are trying to introduce the idea that it is from a procedure that we wish to consider "administrative" that the manager imposes upon the individual the cultural and political spheres, in the context of the organizations, that makes the alienation a "desired" fundamental condition for maintaining stability and coherence between the objectives both of the organization and of the individual in it playing his role. Through what we denominate “discourse of the organization", the management imposes rules, norms, traditions, the organization's "desires" as concerns individual behaviors, at the same time imposing their sanctions, punishments and also the political scope, all consubstantiating the power of the companies. It is through their managers that the discourse of the organizations lays on the cultural and political spheres of the institutions, seen here as the basis of the activity's alienation. Através dos dirigentes, o discurso das organizações impõe as esferas cultural e política da organização, base da alienação da atividade.