Adoption of E-Hailing Apps in Brazil: The Passengers’ Standpoint
Joia, Luiz Antonio
Altieri, Diego
E-Hailing Apps (EHA) have become very popular in Brazil due to the swift proliferation of smartphones in the country. Thus, the scope of this article is to ascertain the antecedents of use of EHA in Brazil from the passengers’ standpoint. To do that, a meta-model was developed via a theoretical background based on theories of information system adoption, diffusion of innovation, trust in virtual environments and user satisfaction, as well as research hypotheses. By applying structural equation modelling in data collected via a web survey, the theoretical meta-model and research hypotheses were tested. It was established that perceived utility, compatibility, relative advantage and trust are antecedents of user satisfaction with EHA, this factor being an antecedent of the intention to use the system. Lastly, it was found that subjective norms have a direct and statistically significant impact on the intention of use of EHA