Conference Proceedings
The governance in agrifood chains to reduce food loss and waste
Carvalho, Ícaro Célio Santos de
Guimarães, Camilla Maria Cavalcante
Vieira, Luciana Marques
Food loss and waste occur along the entire supply chain and at all stages of production to consumption. Reducing food waste in the agrifood chain provides social benefits, such as increased incomes of small producers, reduced hunger and promote a food security. This paper aims to investigate the influence of interorganisational governance on losses and waste reduction in agrifood chains. The importance of this phenomenon is evident in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from ONU, concerns for ending hunger, achieve food security and promote sustainable agriculture.This study considers dyadic relationships through Transaction Costs Economics (TCE) and Relational View (RV) theories, with by interviewing multiple stakeholders in regard food chain in Sao Paulo. The methodology consist in a qualitative approach, used semi-structured interviews were conducted in loco for different supply chains, with multiple stakeholders involved. The findings were, first, a conventional perspective from supply chain members that integrate the process flow, and another one focusing on stakeholders that have the role of support in the prevention. The empirical evidence shows the need to create institutional and relational mechanisms and highlight the role of external stakeholders that stimulate chain integration to reduce food waste.