dc.contributorNieto-Sampedro, M., Grupo de Plasticidad Neural, Inst. Cajal de Neurobiología, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, U. de Neurología Experimental, Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos, Toledo, Spain, Inst. Cajal de Neurobiología, CSIC, Av. Dr. Arce, 37, E-28002 Madrid, Spain; Collazos-Castro, J.E., Grupo de Plasticidad Neural, Inst. Cajal de Neurobiología, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, U. de Neurología Experimental, Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos, Toledo, Spain; Taylor, J.S., Grupo de Plasticidad Neural, Inst. Cajal de Neurobiología, CSIC, Madrid, Spain, U. de Neurología Experimental, Hospital Nacional de Paraplejicos, Toledo, Spain; Gudiño-Cabrera, G., Depto. de Biologia Cel. y Molecular, Universidad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Verdi-Navarro, E., Grup de Neuroplasticitat/Regeneracio, Univ. Autónoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain; Pascual-Piédrola, J.I., Unidad de Regeneración Neural, Servicio de Urología, Servicio Navarro de Salud, Pamplona, Spain; Insausti-Serrano, R., Departamento de Salud, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Albacete, Spain
dc.creatorNieto-Sampedro, M.
dc.creatorCollazos-Castro, J.E.
dc.creatorTaylor, J.S.
dc.creatorGudino-Cabrera, G.
dc.creatorVerdu-Navarro, E.
dc.creatorPascual-Piedrola, J.I.
dc.creatorInsausti-Serrano, R.
dc.description.abstractDevelopment. Brain and spinal cord lesions have an increasing social and economic importance. Accidental trauma of various kinds is the main cause of mortality of children and young adults in developed countries. Only cardiac disease and cancer surpass the number of death caused by accidents and, examining the number of potential work-years lost, CNS lesions surpass all other problems. Most brain and spinal cord injuries cause chronic incapacity and frequently occur to individuals under 45 years of age. Edema and other acute events can be efficiently treated and CNS lesions may not be mortal, but are incurable. Conclusion. The final outcome of CNS injury depend on the area damaged and the extent of the lesion, but the best present therapies can offer is relief of the symptoms and rehabilitation. This review examines the present state of functional repair of experimental central nervous system trauma.
dc.relationRevista de Neurologia
dc.titleTraumatic injuries to the central nervous system and their repair [Trauma en el sistema nervioso central y su reparación]

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