dc.contributorOjeda, J.C., Universidad del ValleCali, Colombia, Universidad de GuadalajaraGuadalajara, Mexico; Pérez, G.J.G., Universidad de GuadalajaraGuadalajara, Mexico
dc.creatorOjeda, J.C.
dc.creatorPerez, G.J.G.
dc.description.abstractThe objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of dental care for pregnant women in Cali, Colombia, and to identify socioeconomic and health services factors associated with access to dental care during pregnancy. A cross-sectional study was conducted in a sample of 993 postpartum women who had given birth in public and private clinics in 2012. Multivariate analysis showed that dental care was associated with: economic resources (86.6% sufficient resources versus 72.5% insufficient resources; OR = 1.8; 95%CI: 1.1-2.8), schooling (88% complete versus 74% incomplete secondary school, OR = 1.7; 95%CI: 1.1- 2.7), and receiving information on oral health and dental care during prenatal care (86.4%: yes versus 42.9%: no, OR = 5.7; 95%CI: 3.1-10.0). Access to dental care was less frequent among pregnant women with low socioeconomic status as compared to those with better living conditions. " 2014 Fundacao Oswaldo Cruz. All rights reserved.",,,,,,"10.1590/0102-311X00152413",,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/44609","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84908628141&partnerID=40&md5=529d5eac9689f67836ad09aabbda7afe",,,,,,"10",,"Cadernos de Saude Publica",,"2209
dc.description.abstractWOS",,,,,,"Health inequalities; Healthcare disparities; Pregnant women; Public health dentistry",,,,,,"Socioeconomic determinants of dental care during pregnancy in Cali, Colombia [Determinantes socioeconómicos do atendimento odontológico durante a gravidez em Cali, Colombia] [Determinantes socioeconómicos de la atención odontológica durante la gestación en Cali, Colombia]",,"Article" "46371","123456789/35008",,"Nesterov, A.I., Departamento de Física, CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Corregidora, 500, S.R., Guadalajara 44840, Jalisco, Mexico, Department of Theoretical Physics, Krasnoyarsk University, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation, Apartado Postal 1-1137, Guadalajara, Jal. C.P. 44100, Mexico; Sabinin, L.V., Departamento de Matemáticas, Univ. Michoacana S. Nicolas Hidalgo, Morelia 58260, Michoacán, Mexico, Department of Mathematics, Friendship of Nations University, Moscow, Russian Federation",,"Nesterov, A.I.
dc.description.abstractSabinin, L.V.",,"1997",,"A description of generalized coherent states and geometric phases is given in the light of the general theory of smooth loops.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/44592","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0040007798&partnerID=40&md5=b579a33fcef8fdff8498afd12ebef478",,,,,,"9",,"International Journal of Theoretical Physics",,"1981
dc.description.abstractWOS",,,,,,,,,,,,"Smooth loops, generalized coherent states, and geometric phases",,"Article" "46402","123456789/35008",,"Ramos, J.L.Q., Departamento de Electrónica, CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerta 10, Modulo O, S.R., C.P. 44840, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Martínez, M.J.S., Departamento de Electrónica, CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerta 10, Modulo O, S.R., C.P. 44840, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico; Ruiz, M.S.P., Departamento de Electrónica, CUCEI, Universidad de Guadalajara, Puerta 10, Modulo O, S.R., C.P. 44840, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico",,"Ramos, J.L.Q.
dc.description.abstractMartinez, M.J.S.
dc.description.abstractRuiz, M.S.P.",,"2002",,"This paper presents the characteristics of a software developed on MatLab Scripts to obtain the synthesis of radiation patterns, using linear antenna arrays. Several classical techniques have been considered such as Schelkunoff method, Fourier series and transform methods, Woodward-Lawson method, Taylor line-source methods. In all those cases, algorithms were developed and the results agree with the literature. In order to improve some characteristics of the radiation pattern, an algorithm based on the gradient method has been included for optimization purposes.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/44623","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-4944258776&partnerID=40&md5=f28070fa5ef43e3442c4feeed18485ad",,,,,,,,"Advances in Communications and Software Technologies",,"89
dc.description.abstract94",,,,"Scopus",,,,,,"Antenna Arrays; Gradient Method; Optimization; Radiation Pattern Synthesis",,,,,,"Software for synthesis of radiation patterns by linear antenna arrays",,"Article" "46393","123456789/35008",,"Aguilar-Palomino, B., Centro de Ecología Costera, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gomez Farias 82, Jalisco, CP 48980, Mexico; Mariscal-Romero, J., Centro de Ecología Costera, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gomez Farias 82, Jalisco, CP 48980, Mexico; González-Sansín, G., Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana, CUB; Rodriguez-Ibarra, L.E., Centro de Ecología Costera, Universidad de Guadalajara, Gomez Farias 82, Jalisco, CP 48980, Mexico",,"Aguilar-Palomino, B.
dc.description.abstractMariscal-Romero, J.
dc.description.abstractGonzalez-Sanson, G.
dc.description.abstractRodriguez-Ibarra, L.E.",,"1996",,"The first check-list of soft-bottom fishes from the continental shelf off Jalisco and Colima, Mexico, is presented. The list includes 140 species, belonging to 98 genera and 54 families, collected with shrimp trawl nets aboard the research vessel BIP-V during May and June 1995 along 111 km, at 20, 40, 60 and 80 m depth. The specimens were cataloged and deposited in the ichthyological collection of the Centro de Ecología Costera of the Universidad de Guadalajara in San Patricio-Melaque, Jalisco, Mexico.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/44614","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0030434447&partnerID=40&md5=169cd109742f30e976d710b0e02abd4c",,,,,,"4",,"Ciencias Marinas",,"469
dc.description.abstractWOS",,,,,,"Colima; Fish check-list; Jalisco; Melaque",,,,,,"Soft-bottom demersal ichthyofauna from the continental shelf off jalisco and colima, mexico, during spring 1995 [Ictiofauna demersal de fondos blandos de la plataforma continental de jalisco y colima, méxico, en la primavera de 1995]",,"Article" "46398","123456789/35008",,"Lopez-Martin, C., Information Systems Department CUCEA, Guadalajara University, P.O. Box 45100, Jalisco, Mexico; Isaza, C., Department of Electronic Engineering, GEPAR Research Group, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia; Chavoya, A., Information Systems Department CUCEA, Guadalajara University, P.O. Box 45100, Jalisco, Mexico",,"Lopez-Martin, C.
dc.description.abstractIsaza, C.
dc.description.abstractChavoya, A.",,"2012",,"An important factor for planning, budgeting and bidding a software project is prediction of the development effort required to complete it. This prediction can be obtained from models related to neural networks. The hypothesis of this research was the following: effort prediction accuracy of a general regression neural network (GRNN) model is statistically equal or better than that obtained by a statistical regression model, using data obtained from industrial environments. Each model was generated from a separate dataset obtained from the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) software projects repository. Each of the two models was then validated using a new dataset from the same ISBSG repository. Results obtained from a variance analysis of accuracies of the models suggest that a GRNN could be an alternative for predicting development effort of software projects that have been developed in industrial environments. " Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011.
dc.relationEmpirical Software Engineering
dc.titleSoftware development effort prediction of industrial projects applying a general regression neural network

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