Feasibility of the use of wind energy generation at sewage plants in Montevideo city
2000Registro en:
Nunes, Ventura, Cataldo, José, Casaravilla, Gonzalo. Feasibility of the use of wind energy generation at sewage plants in Montevideo city [en línea] Montevideo : UR. FING, 2000.
Nunes, Ventura
Cataldo, José
Casaravilla, Gonzalo
Due to environmental concerns, the Montevideo City authorities funded a feasibility study of the use of wind turbines in several sewage works. The generators, 150 kW or more each one, will be connected to the grid. The study began with the assessment of wind resource at each site, using the wind data series available at meteorological stations adjusted to the exposure parameters related to the kind of soil upstream in the different directions. The hourly power demand of the plants was modelled and forecast for the next fifteen years. The visual and acoustic impacts of the wind turbines were considered.Different wind turbine arrays were selected to supply the energy needed in each plant. The feasibility study was done assuming two possibilities: the excess wind energy was either sold to the utility or not. The results in Punta Brava site are shown. The best internal rate of return values obtained were about 8,% which are considered to be good rates, attending the constrains assumed. In short term, city authorities decided to install wind turbines at Punta Brava Keywords : Wind Power Assessment, Environmental Impact, Renewable Energies, Feasibility. nbsp,