Innovative Research in Clinical and Health Psychology II. Introduction to the Supplement
Cudris-Torres, Lorena
Bonilla-Cruz, Nidia-Johana
Riaño-Garzón, Manuel E
When analyzing Health Psychology and Clinical Psychology from their coincidences, differences, and meeting points, it is important to establish distinctions at a conceptual and pragmatic level. Therefore, Health Psychology is oriented toward cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes related to physical health/illnesses, worrying about their care, and recognizing that physical and mental health are related; On the other hand, Clinical Psychology emphasizes the evaluation, prediction, and relief of psychological affectations of a cognitive, emotional and behavioral nature. Given that both fields interact and complement each other, generating synergies, the dissipation of differences could be proposed to consider a common area that ends up being called “Clinical and Health Psychology”, which contributes to the sum of the fields, generating pragmatic and considerable methodological.