Performance of a Dual Sample Introduction System with Conventional Concentric Nebulizers for Simultaneous Determination of Hydride and Non- Hydride Forming Elements by ICP-OES
Benzo, Zully
Maldonado, Domingo
Chirinos, José
Marcano, Eunice
Goméz, Clara
Quintal, Manuelita
Salas, Janeth
A dual sample introduction system that combines the benefits of
nebulization and vapour generation in a single device is described. It consists of
two commercial conventional concentric nebulizers coupled to a modified cyclonic
chamber. The effect(s) of the solvent load produced by the amount of liquid
carried for the system by the two nebulizer assemblies is investigated. Better
sensitivities, similar precision and DL’s (with the exception of hydride forming
elements) were obtained compared with those obtained with the system working
in single mode. Long term stability was less than 7% with the dual mode, being
2% and 6% for the non-hydride and hydride forming elements, respectively, in
the single mode operation. DL’s obtained are of the same order of magnitude
as those reported by several authors, with the exception of Se whose conditions
were in compromise with the optimal reached for the rest of the elements. Accuracy
of the dual system was proved by analyzing NIST 1648, urban particulate
matter, with satisfactory results.