Geospatial tools for the identification of a malaria corridor in Estado Sucre, a Venezuelan north-eastern state
Delgado-Petrocelli, Laura
Camardiel, Alberto
Aguilar, Víctor Hugo
Martinez, Néstor
Córdova, Karenia
Ramos, Santiago
Landscape ecology research relies on frameworks based on geographical information systems (GIS), geostatistics
and spatial-feature relationships. With regard to health, the approach consists of systems analysis using a set of powerful
tools aimed at the reduction of community vulnerability through improved public policies. The north-oriental malaria focus,
one of five such foci in Venezuela, situated in the north-eastern part of the Estado Sucre state, unites several social and environmental
features and functions as an epidemiological corridor, i.e. an endemic zone characterised by permanent interaction
between the mosquito vector and the human host allowing a continuous persistence of the malaria lifecycle. A GIS was
developed based on official cartography with thematic overlays depicting malaria distribution, socio-economic conditions,
basic environmental information and specific features associated with the natural wetlands present in the area. Generally,
malaria foci are continuously active but when the malaria situation was modelled in the north-oriental focus, a differential,
spatio-temporal distribution pattern situation was found, i.e. a situation oscillating between very active and dormant transmission.
This pattern was displayed by spatial and statistical analysis based on the model generated in this study and the
results were confirmed by municipal and county malaria records. Control of malaria, keeping the incidence at a permanently
low level within the regional population, should be possible if these results are taken into account when designing and implementing
epidemiological surveillance policies.