Mössbauer study of Fe-Co alloys with Cr additions synthesized by mechanical alloying
D'Onofrio, L.
González, G.
Oleszak, D.
Sagarzazu, A.
Villalba, R.
Cr has been added to FeCo substituting 10 at.% of Co or Fe in the alloy.
The alloys Fe50Co40Cr10, Fe40Co50Cr10 and Fe50Co50 were prepared by mechanical
alloying for 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 60 h. The formation of the alloy and the incorporation
of the elements have been followed by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Mössbauer
Spectroscopy. The kinetics of mixing occurs by incorporation of Co and Cr into the
Fe structure. After prolonged milling it seems that Cr incorporates itself into both
α-Fe and α-FeCo structures and a mixture of FeCoCr rich in Cr and FeCoCr rich in
Co solid solutions is obtained.