Relationships of the woody Medicago species (section Dendrotelis) assessed by molecular cytogenetic analysis
† Background and Aims The organization of rDNA genes in the woody medic species from the agronomically
important Medicago section Dendrotelis was analysed to gain insight into their taxonomic relationships, to assess
the levels of infraspecific variation concerning ribosomal loci in a restricted and fragmented insular species
(M. citrina) and to assess the nature of its polyploidy.
† Methods Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used for physical mapping of 5S and 45S ribosomal DNA
genes in the three species of section Dendrotelis (M. arborea, M. citrina, M. strasseri) and the related M. marina
from section Medicago. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) was used to assess the genomic relationships of
the polyploid M. citrina with the putatively related species from section Dendrotelis.
† Key Results The diploid (2n ¼ 16) M. marina has a single 45S and two 5S rDNA loci, a pattern usually detected in
previous studies of Medicago diploid species. However, polyploid species from section Dendrotelis depart from
expectations. The tetraploid species (2n ¼ 32) M. arborea and M. strasseri have one 45S rDNA locus and two
5S rDNA loci, whereas in the hexaploid (2n ¼ 48) M. citrina four 45S rDNA and five 5S rDNA loci have been
detected. No single chromosome of M. citrina was uniformly labelled after using genomic probes from
M. arborea and M. strasseri. Instead, cross-hybridization signals in M. citrina were restricted to terminal chromosome
arms and NOR regions.
†Conclusions FISH results support the close taxonomic interrelationship between M. arborea and M. strasseri. In
these tetraploid species, NOR loci have experienced a diploidization event through physical loss of sequences, a
cytogenetic feature so far not reported in other species of the genus. The high number of rDNA loci and GISH
results support the specific status for the hexaploid M. citrina, and it is suggested that this species is not an autopolyploid
derivative of M. arborea or M. strasseri. Further, molecular cytogenetic data do not suggest the hypothesis
that M. arborea and M. strasseri were involved in the origin of M. citrina. FISH mapping can be used as an efficient
tool to determine the genomic contribution of M. citrina in somatic hybrids with other medic species.