Variación de la Viscosidad en un sustituto salival en base a mucina por cambios en el pH y la concentración de proteínas
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Acta Odontológica Venezolana 34(3):15-17
Herrera, Marvic
Acevedo, AM
Escalona, LA
Soto-Luna, Mariela
Lalaguna, Fernando
Salivary mucins are the predominant proteins in whole human saliva and play a central role in lubrication and the other functions.It has been introduced as a major ingredent of the therapeutic composition to treat xerostomic patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate some variables that affect the viscosity of a mucin solution in order to improve the reological properties of saliva substitute. A mucine saliva substitue was prepared and the effect of the pH (2.2-8.0)and the protein concentration (0.1-1.0)on the viscosity and the protein profile was determined.Aliquots of all samples exposed at differents pH and concentration as well as untreated control were electrphoreses on SDS 7% polyacrilamide gels and stained with coomasie blue. The result showed that pH affect the viscosity in sigmoidal form, but no change the PAGE profile. Wsa observed between the protein concentration and viscosity an direct relationship. The results suggest that pH is an important factor that affect the viscosity and its can be clue to non-irreversible changes on the protein. CDCH-UCV