Primer registro de Aplysia (Pruvotaplysia) parvula Morch 1863 (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Aplysiidae) para Venezuela
First report of Aplysia (Pruvotaplysia) parvula Morch 1863 (Mollusca, Opisthobranchia, Aplysiidae) from Venezuela
Registro en:
Acta Biologica Venezuelica 18(1): 43-47
Rivero P., Nelsy
Martinez E., Rafael
Pauls, Sheila M.
The species Aplysia parvula Morch, 1863 is recorded for the first time from Venezuelan coasts. A description of external and internal morphology, radula, distribution, habitat and feeding habits is given. The specimens were caught in the localities of Las Salinas and Arrecife (central coast of Venezuela). They are preserved in alcohol 70% and deposited in the malacological collection of the Museo de Biologia of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Specimens of A. parvula were found in rocky platforms, between algae (Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta); their average length were 2.6 cm (SD= 1.09).