“estudio de pre-factibilidad para determinar la viabilidad de la instalación de una planta procesadora de arándano fresco tipo blueberry para la exportación”
Acuña Morales, Luis Martin
The main objective of this thesis is to determine the technical, economic and financial viability to install a processing plant of fresh blueberry for export in Virú Valley. The first step was to analyze the global demand for fresh blueberries, establishing the United States as the target market, due to high demand of the product and it increasing trend, so it was the population considered in the thesis. The market study led to the determination that the plant capacity will be about 1008 tons / year, with a cultivated area of 50 hectares in the first year and an increase of 50 hectares in the third year. The methodology considered the following aspects: location, distribution, organization and administration, production design and determination of direct and indirect costs. The initial investment for this project is provided at $3,086,179, which will be used for the installation and commissioning of the plant; of which 65% will be contributed by shareholders and 35% will be financed by COFIDE. The economic and financial evaluation of the project, with reference to a period of five years, gave the following values: a VANE of $ 5,993,132.03; a TIRE 38%; a VANF of $4,651,177.60; and TIRF of 39%; therefore it has been demonstrated the viability of the project. KEYWORDS: pre-feasibility, viability, processing plant, fresh blueberries, international demand, export, production process, external trade, environmental impact, marketing.