Performance analysis and optimization of parallel Best-First Search algorithms on multicore and cluster of multicore
Sanz, Victoria María
The contribution of the thesis is the development of two parallel Best-First Search algorithms, one that is suitable for execution on shared-memory machines (multicore), and another one that is suitable for execution on distributed memory machines (cluster). The former is based on the adaptation of the HDA* (Hash Distributed A*) algorithm for multicore machines proposed by (Burns et al., 2010), while the latter is based on the HDA* (Hash Distributed A*) algorithm proposed by (Kishimoto, et al., 2013). The implemented algorithms incorporate parameters and/or techniques that improve their performance, with respect to the original algorithms proposed by the authors mentioned above. Es revisión de: Resumen de la tesis presentada por la autora para obtener el título de Doctor en Ciencias Informáticas (UNLP, 2015). Facultad de Informática