Gobernanza de datos públicos en Honduras
Medina Escoto, Fredis
Jipsion, Armando
The governance of public data used by governments to provide services to citizens must be defined in a frame of reference that guarantees their management in a transparent, agile, accessible and safe way, considering the universal declaration of human rights [14]. the principle of safeguarding the security of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) [15] and the General Regulation of Data Protection of the European Union [13]. For this purpose, this paper proposes an organizational management model composed of five enablers: 1. Interoperability framework, 2. Prioritization of the digitalization of business processes, 3. Protection of personal data and information security, 4. Digital identification of citizens and 5. Continuous improvement of the quality of services. The implementation of this model will boost the governance of the data; with greater relevance when services are provided to citizens using information and communication technologies (ICT) as part of e-government initiatives; the correct governance and management of public data will allow the sustainability of electronic operations, allowing for effective, safe, agile, modern, competitive, ubiquitous and transparent services; allowing saving time and money to citizens and governments. This document uses the situation of Honduras as an example and proposes the organizational management model with the five components described above, which are presented in their design stage.