Capítulo II: orígenes del deporte moderno en El Salvador (1895-1921)
Urbina Gaitán, Chester
The modern sport in El Salvador was of exclusive access of the economic and cultural
elite of the cities of San Salvador and Santa Ana, the main large cities of the coffee
West. The domination of the coffee zone in the sport is explained because in this area
there was the capital, the best routes or communication and certain infrastructure that
the execution oi this activity made possible.
The coffee elite practiced the different sport disciplines that arose during the period
of study next to some members of the French colonies, English, Spanish and American.
In its beginnings the sport was dominated by individual disciplines, fact which it did
that the sectors that began to exercise themselves in them; they considered its practice
like a social act, reason why the suitable preparation and training were in a great
measurement absent.
It is with: the birth of the collective sports -like the baseball and soccer, that the urban
working sectors entered the sport sand. Nevertheless, embryonic and the poor thing
of its organizations, the meager support of secular the communal leaders as much