Análisis del perfil del visitante para el aprovechamiento turístico del cantón Arenillas.
2019Registro en:
Rivera Rivera, Daniela Mariuxi
The present study was applied to the Arenillas canton of the Province of El Oro, whose main purpose was to analyze the profile of the visitor who arrives in these lands and thus achieve a better use of the resources. The research was of a qualitative and quantitative methodological type supported in the use of the survey technique applied to 125 people located in central areas and close to the different tourist attractions. Because of this it was allowed to statistically evaluate sociodemographic aspects, motivation, level of satisfaction, tourist knowledge and level of marketing. The results yielded a profile of young single visitors between the ages of 18 and 22 with a high taste for gastronomy such as goat dry and resources such as the Arenillas Ecological Reserve and the Tahuín Dam. This result made it possible to clarify the current situation of the Arenillas canton by presenting a large number of natural and cultural resources that with the proper administrative management by the competent entities will be able to reach a tourism development and better use.