Proceso de atención de enfermería en adolescente víctima de abuso sexual
2019Registro en:
Aguilar Correa, D.F. (2019) Proceso de atención de enfermeria en adolescente víctima de abuso sexual (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 29 p.
Aguilar Correa, Diego Fernando
Sexual abuse isanytype of physicalor visual contact betweent woor more people with out consent in one of the morother wise has no cogniti veability to perceive what happens, very common in our society where the victims are always the victims. most vulnerable people (children, adolescents, peoplewithspecialabilities, olderadults) there are prevention methodson the risk factors that are associated with being a victim of sexual abuse, there are efforts by the political and legal side although they do not seem to be enoug hDue to the flexibility they have, in this document we will findin formation about the afore men tioned with a focus on the rights of the people and the consequences that the individual would have in his adult life and in case of being sexually abused and where we can also find methods to achieve anassimilation and adaptation to a digni fied life after over coming the traumas that exist when faces sexual abuse.