Diseño de estacionamiento vehicular tarifado en la calle Juan Montalvo entre la avenida Rocafuerte y Sucre del Cantón Pasaje
Morocho Sinchiguano, Oswaldo Gonzalo
In the development of this work seeks to establish a solution to the problem of vehicular traffic that occurs in the Pasaje canton on Juan Montalvo Street between the avenues Rocafuerte and Sucre, where the busy visit to the commercial premises that are in this sector, the increase of private transportation and the inappropriate behavior of drivers who, in the absence of parking, double row on the public highway, occupying a lane of this road, due to this, vehicular traffic is affected since, the parking places and parking spaces decrease. roads are congested. For the purposes of the situations mentioned in the previous paragraph, as a measure, vehicular congestion is proposed for parking that will lead to an improvement in vehicle fluidity in this sector analyzed in the Pasaje district, since each user must use public parking for a specific time, which would give as a product the vehicular decongestion. The content of this document is based on cientific sources that substantiate the different topics covered in this work. In addition, in the field data collection, engineering concepts have been used to support the problem posed and that lead to solve this problem, obtaining optimum conditions in vehicular and pedestrian transportation and that give reliability on the results that they intend to provide to the users of this way comfort and safety in the circulation time for this sector.