Análisis de los controles de seguridad en los ordenadores de los cubículos en UACE.
2019Registro en:
Pineda Argudo, P.A. (2019) Análisis de los controles de seguridad en los ordenadores de los cubículos en UACE. (Examen Complexivo). Universidad Técnica de Machala, Machala, Ecuador.
Pineda Argudo, Paul Andrei
Teaching is a complex task that demands ethical, moral and technical responsibilities with society; in the process of professional training with the desire to renew knowledge in the various sciences, contributing to the progress of nations while repealing, the task of solving social problems. The transfer of technology for academic purposes requires both pedagogical and didactic tools, of which the computer stands out, which facilitates the elaboration of classes, communication, access to the virtual system to interact dynamically in the learning process. This paper analyzes the state of the computers used in the cubicles, of the Academic Unit of Business Sciences, belonging to the Technical University of Machala; the physical / logical controls that assure the integrity of the information, the flow of data and which means or mechanisms protect this asset are studied, the subject is addressed through the computer audit, while a contextual level review is carried out. determine the status of the UTMACH in relation to other institutions of higher education. The objective of the work is to identify the vulnerabilities present in the computers, proposing security measures that respond efficiently to possible attacks, framed in contemporary trends.