Uso de la pentoxifilina en pacientes con retinopatía, vasculopatía y nefropatía diabética
2019Registro en:
Alcivar Barrezueta, Y.H. (2019) Uso de la pentoxifilina en pacientes con retinopatía, vasculopatía y nefropatía diabética (examen complexivo). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Químicas Y De La Salud, Machala, Ecuador. 32 p.
Alcivar Barrezueta, Yajaira Haydee
Pentoxifylline is a methylxanthine derived from purine derivatives. This increases the deformity of the red blood cell, stopping the erythrocyte and platelet aggregation, increasing the fluidity of the blood and its antithrombotic effects with the perfusion of the microcirculation. In addition, it has a systematic anti-inflammatory effect thus helping the improvement Objective: Use of pentoxifylline in patients with retinopathy, nephropathy and diabetic vasculopathy through a systematic review of articles indexed in the last 5 years. Methodology: Review of scientific articles indexed by Scielo, PUBMED, COCHRANE, MEDSCAPE, and, Scopus. Thirteen papers were obtained which were selected and served as the basis for the structuring of the present investigation. Conclusions: DMT2 has a significant prevalence worldwide, maintaining as a close consequence to retinopathy, nephropathy and diabetic vasculopathy. Pentoxifylline proved to have some beneficial effects in terms of improving renal function and a significant decrease in albuminuria and proteinuria for patients with NPD, it is used as a treatment in peripheral vascular disease, it has anti-inflammatory activity. The use of pentoxifylline has been used in order to increase survival in nephropathy, retinopathy and vascular diseases, because they are one of the main problems in diabetic patients in the world. Due to the generally poor quality of published studies and the great heterogeneity in functioning and outcomes, the overall benefit of pentoxifylline is still uncertain