Evaluación de la transfusión sanguínea de bovinos a caninos en el tratamiento de anemia en la Universidad Técnica de Machala
2018Registro en:
Cayambe Mullo, K.M. (2018) Evaluación de la transfusión sanguínea de bovinos a caninos en el tratamiento de anemia en la Universidad Técnica de Machala (trabajo de titulación). UTMACH, Unidad Académica de Ciencias Agropecuarias, Machala, Ecuador.
Cayambe Mullo, Karina Monserrath
Today the transfusions occupy an important position of the medicine in both the human and the veterinary, both with a goal to improve the quality of life of the patients, to carry out a transfusion one must have a good donor, that it maintains Feasible characteristics, such as: A good hematocrit, good physical condition, good sanitary management, etc. The receptors are assessed for their physical condition and the range of hematocrit they enter for transfusion. The present investigation was carried out in Machala in the facilities of the Technical University of Machala, it was opted the use of a bovine who was the donor of blood and the receptors were canines with a hematocrit lower to 22%, before executing the transfusion se It performs a compatibility test, in this study was performed the technique of cross-testing donor/receptor. The investigation consisted in the extraction of blood from the jugular vein of a bovine and that of the receptors the blood was acquired from the radial vein, all those blood samples were sent to the Diagnovet laboratory of the city of Guayaquil, who gave us detailed the State in which the donor and each recipient count, what we are looking for with the blood transfusion is to raise the hematocrit and get the patient out of a picture of anemia. The statistical method used was SPSS and Excel, where we will interpret the changes that exist in the hematic biometrics of each of the tests carried out, likewise the clinical signs that are presented and at the same time the increase of hematocrit that each patient has, valuing a pre transfusion hematocrit and finally post transfusion Hematocrit, where we relate that case 1, obtained a start hematocrit of 22%, case 2:18% and case 3:23%, with these values of initiation is proceed to make transfusions to Each patient, where 24 hours post transfusion is detailed the new hematocrit, case 1:16%, case 2:18% and case 3:24%, passed the 48 hours post transfusion we obtain new Hematocrit results, case 1:22%, case 2:25% and case 3:27% and at the end with the last data of Hematocrit, evaluating patient 1 to 2 months post transfusion where it has a hematocrit of 45%, patient 2 was assessed monthly, giving a hematocrit of: 38% and patient 3 was taken the sample at 648 hours post transfusion, ie less than a month , obtaining as a result a hematocrit of: 25%, not reaching the desired value, due to the lack of support of the owners, during the blood transfusions of each patient, it is valued the signs that are presented during and post transfusion. The percentages presented in this research are the detail of the use of bovine blood as an alternative transfusion, where each canine patient presented a reaction to this blood, valuing in the good results of his hematocrit, detailing That the bovine blood is apt to increase the hematocrit to canines that enter with a table of anemia